Being Race Officer for club races does not require god-like qualities, just some confidence and common sense! Sailors are not looking for perfection, just some Sunday afternoon fun.
Before Racing
- Ensure the Officer of the Day (OOD) knows you are present.
- Put out an entry sheet and encourage sailors to fill it in – this will make your job easier.
- Work out which classes are going to be racing.
- Decide on courses for each class:
- Try to aim for races 45-60 minutes long.
- For Enterprises and Mirrors, aim to set courses involving a beat, a reach and a run; RS200s prefer windward-leeward courses.
- If different fleets are using the same mark, make sure they go the same way round it.
- Ask the sailors for help – they’ll probably give it anyway.
- Get all your flags, hooters, watches, crib sheets etc ready … and acquire a tame helper!
- Think through the start sequence.
The Start
- Follow the crib sheet carefully.
- If you make a mistake or lose the place, use the postponement flag.
During the Race
- Enjoy the view.
- Think how long the slowest boat is going to take to finish and consider shortening the race.
- Give each boat a hoot as they finish and record the result.
After the Race
- Enter the results on the notice board.
- Tidy up and lock up the starter’s box.
Many thanks for helping to make the racing enjoyable!