2024 Junior Regatta

St Mary’s loch recently held a regatta on the 27th and 28th of April, with freezing temperatures and strong winds on day 1. Lots of young sailors persevered and competed in the races. Some sailors retired after a few races but many continued. After a long day everyone was warned up with some lovely homemade warm chilli made by some of the club members, which we were all very grateful for!

On the second day the weather was much more lovely with the sun out and everyone feeling more competitive. We all wrapped up warm and got out onto the loch.

After a long weekend, prizes were handed out to our esteemed winners and everyone packed up ready to go home for a well deserved nap!

Thank you to everyone who helped make this weekend happen and than you to all the travellers for coming down, we all had lots of fun and can’t wait to see you all next year!

Click here for regatta results

RS Fevas enjoying the event
A really good turnout of Toppers

The Committee Boat was fully staffed

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