2024 St Mary’s On Tour (To Forfar!)

St Mary’s club members visited Forfar Sailing and Watersports Club over the weekend of 28 and 29 September, and came away with some of the silverware. The club sails on Forfar Loch, a small area of water where the boats are always close together, the wind is never constant, there are often big windshifts, and patchy wind coverage. Sounds a lot like St Mary’s, apart from the size of the loch!

A good fleet of 16 Enterprises raced as part of the Bluebell Series (Enterprise Travellers’ Trophy), and Gerry Goodfellow, crewed by Roger Willoughby, took the trophy at the final Bluebell event of the season. As if that wasn’t enough, however, Maia Lewis took the trophy for the top Junior Helm. Congratulations to all of the prize-winners!

Gerry and Roger with the Bluebell Tropy
Maia with the Junior Helm Trophy
A good fleet of Enterprises!

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